Chain of DIPS Institutions is making persistent and unceasing efforts to achieve excellence in the field of education. We consider it our foremost responsibility to construct an environment where hardwork and result-oriented efforts become a passion with the students as well as teachers. Apart from making education everybody’s cup of tea by keeping it within the reach of general strata of society, it is our endeavour to provide all possible facilities for those who have the spark to compete with the best for securing top-notch positions. DIPS has the cherished aim of instilling confidence among the young and impressionable minds and to make them fine human beings free from bias of caste, creed, language or status. Infusing nationalist spirit and yet keeping them open to the global environment and its challenges is our priority. To achieve these goals, we have introduced the latest technology in the form of smart classes and cyber surfing along with well equipped labs in all our institutions. We are engaging the most skilled professionals to impart instructions in the latest and challenging curriculum as also to help broaden the outlook of our scholars.
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